Posted on 20-Aug-2017
The most troubling thing we all face in life is communicating with our parents the life choices we choose to have. We will do everything to hide our reality from them, if we believe they will become unaccepting of us. We just can’t stand to have the people we love the most look at us in a different light. Then again, it is your life. If they really love you, they will accept you for what you do and for who you are. Still, sometimes we are faced with the obstacle of communicating these things with our parents in the best way. So, if you are wondering how you can tell your parents you smoke weed without them disowning you from their lineage. Here are our steps:
Step One: Find the right time and place
So, the best time and place is a good rule for anything you do. For instance, when we were kids. We only asked our parents for things once we saw they were settled in, comfortable and in good spirits. We never thought to ask for that new toy or to sleep over at our friend’s house while they were upset, stressed out or angry. The best thing to do is figure out a good moment to bring this up, sometimes it’s better if you have support such as siblings or relatives with you. The best places could be in the comfort of their home or your home. A place that’s familiar and creates a calm environment.
Step Two: Be prepared for any reaction
You know your parents well, but often a lack of communication can allow us to make false assumptions. Before you go into telling them you use, you should most likely open the conversation of cannabis. Gauge their feelings towards it, and it will help you better assess how to tell them that you are a marijuana consumer. They may surprise you and show their support and love towards what you’ve chosen as a man/woman taking a hold of your own life. There’s also a possibility that they could react negatively, but there is also a way to handle negative reactions.
Step Three: Tell them what cannabis has done for you and your life
We all know how parents can be, they base their facts at times off their own personal experiences. So, if they react negatively, remember you have the power to explain to them the benefits cannabis has had on your health, your way of thinking and your personality. If using marijuana is benefiting your life, you have to tell them that. Since parents are example oriented, you are the perfect example to change their lives.
Step Four: Accept reaction and continue to live your life
We all are human, and we all live on this earth with differences. Even after explaining to them everything, if they still don’t agree with your life choice. Tell them you can respect their opinion, and you hope they can respect yours. You can also explain to them that you won’t be using marijuana around them, and they will never have to worry about it being in their lives. They are your parents after all, and they will continue to love you no matter how they feel about a life choice you made. The most important is you told them, and respected them enough not to hide something like this from them. So, good luck and remember you only have one life; so live it with your choices in mind.