High Reads

Carly Cannabis Weed Journal: Entry Three

Posted on 19-Jul-2017

Today is the day, my brother was hauled off to the drug abuse center. These people are so dramatic, and I can not stand it. I wish parents would understand their children more. If they did, they would probably notice when their child is going through depression or when their kids are experimenting with drugs. I often feel like my own parents are too caught up with looking the part of the perfect family. My father being the prestidge judge barely can judge his own life, and my determined mother dreams of being the perfect home owner. Mom, no one gives a crap about your china collection or perfect wooden floors. No one comes in our house and sees those things. Instead, let’s focus on my brother David who struggles with anxiety and back pains from playing too much football. The sport you all drove him into. Yes, he used marijuana. Yes, it helped his anxiety issues, his deep depression and his back pains. No, he does not need help, percocet or anti depression drugs to help his issues. He needed you, and you failed him. So, instead of being the ideal parents that this dumb town wants us to be. How about you go pick up your son, and actually talk to him for once. This is why, I can’t tell my parents that I am a pothead. They wouldn’t be able to process it. They would murder me with questions like, How are you smoking weed, your grades haven’t dropped? How are you smoking weed, you are still at the top of your class and teams? How are you smoking weed, you seem the same? Maybe that’s because I am the same person. Weed doesn’t make you different, society makes us look different. I am so fed up with watching this dumb town pressure good people to be slaves to their abnormal system. Women are housewives, men are leaders, students either go to college or become nobodies. You disgust me. Weed is not the issue, people who hate weed are. Today is the day, my brother was taken to a drug abuse center and I fear this will spiral him down the wrong path. I don’t know what they do at drug abuse centers, but even if they stop him from using drugs every now and then. They won’t help him with his depression or anxiety problems. If these centers did things like this, there would be no reason for him to abuse drugs. This entry isn’t about avoiding the drug abuse centers, this is to the anti weed community. If you hate weed abuse so much, help solve the problems that weed abusers have that lead them down the path of abuse. If you can’t, then shut the hell up.

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