
Are There Strains That Help With Cramps?

Posted on 16-Jul-2017

Through the centuries, women have been cited to use Cannabis for menstrual cramps. Cannabis helps women who are experiencing menstrual cramps because the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) properties have therapeutic effects that causes the body to relax; soothing the muscles that contract for cramps.

Here are some Cannabis strains that help with cramps:

1.Hell's Angel OG

A potent Hybrid with heavy psychoactive effects that eases the body into a deep muscles relaxation.

2. CBD Kush

A Hybrid strain with a high count of both THC and CBD properties. A great strain to relax muscles contributing to cramps without heavy “high” effects.

3. Mai Tai Cookies

A Hybrid with high counts of CBD properties. These effects deeply relax the muscles that lead to cramps.

4. Purple Goo

A heavy sedating Indica strain that deeply relaxes your body and muscles; a great option for menstrual cramp relief.

5. Johnny’s Tonic

A Sativa strain with a high count of CBD properties. This strain is super-relaxing which eases the muscle tension from cramps.

6. Dream Queen

A Sativa-dominant strain that provides a euphoric rush, putting the body in a relaxing state and eases muscles attributed to cramps.

7. Bay 11

A potent Sativa that instantly places the body into a state of relaxation; easing the muscles that contribute to menstrual cramping.

8. Sour Haze

A Sativa that provides a euphoric rush relaxing the muscles in the body that are associated with muscle cramping.

9. Mother’s Milk

A Sativa-dominant Hybrid that produces sedative effects which deeply relax the muscles, relieving menstrual cramps.

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